Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)


´óÐãÊÓƵ views the use of ICT as a key element of 21st-century pedagogy. Although ICT is only one tool in the learning toolbox, it is an increasingly important tool. Covid lockdowns highlighted the importance of access to digital technology for communication and learning. ICT enables greater collaboration, more personalised delivery of the curriculum and access to many more opportunities to enhance teaching and learning.

The shift to BYOD was yet another step in Nayland's long history of creativity and innovation with technology. The staff at Nayland continue to develop their ICT skills to enable us to use the best tools available for learning in a truly blended approach.


ICT technology will play a huge part in many of the professions our students will find themselves in once they leave school. Not only will this require them to be proficient in using this technology, it will require them to have developed the self-management skills to manage their own learning in class and beyond. This is particularly important in case we were to face a future lockdown.


´óÐãÊÓƵ has a robust network to enable all students to connect their own devices for seamless online access throughout the school. We will continue to be well-resourced with dedicated computer rooms to meet the demands of specific curriculum areas such as Technology, Design, Media studies and Music.


for more information about how we use blended learning at Nayland.

Picture by Tim Cuff 17 March 2021 - ´óÐãÊÓƵ prospectus and website imagery, Nelson, New Zealand
´óÐãÊÓƵ has been recognised by Microsoft from 2017 through to 2019 as a ‘Showcase School’. This is a significant acknowledgement of our successful approach to blended learning.

´óÐãÊÓƵ has been recognised by Microsoft as a ‘Showcase School’. This is a significant acknowledgement of our successful approach to blended learning.


It is an expectation that all students bring a laptop to school to support their learning.

Support is available for families that may struggle to provide a device for their child and no student will be disadvantaged by not having a device. 

We recommend a Windows 10 device, capable of running Microsoft Office. It should be lightweight and robust enough to survive teenage life, have a battery life of 6 hours of higher, and enough Solid State Storage (SSD) for applications to run smoothly. A touch enabled device will provide the best learning experience. Mobile phones are not suitable for BYOD learning.

All students will be issued with an Office 365 account. From this account they are able to download the full Office suite on to 5 different devices (including home computers).


Please note this is just a recommendation, you are welcome to bring any device you believe is suitable.  If you need support please contact the school.

  • Windows 10 (Mac is also suitable)
  • 4 GB RAM (minimum)
  • 2.2GHZ Processor
  • Around 100GB of SSD storage so that applications to run smoothly (e.g. MS Office)
  • Buy a device with the biggest battery life that you can afford. (Minimum 6 hours)


´óÐãÊÓƵ believes in a Digital Citizenship model for supporting safe and responsible use of the internet in teaching and learning. An important part of this is that we are able to show others what that responsible use looks like while we are using technology in our learning.

We think a good digital citizen is someone who;

  • is a confident and capable user of ICT
  • will use ICT for learning as well as other activities
  • will think carefully about whether the information they see online is true
  • will be able to speak the language of digital technologies
  • understands that they may experience problems when using technology but can deal with them
  • will always use ICT to communicate with others in positive ways
  • will be honest and fair in all of their actions using ICT
  • will always respect people’s privacy and freedom of speech online
  • will help other to become a better digital citizen

Because we know this is important for us all, we ask everyone, the staff, students and volunteers working at the school to agree to use the internet and other technologies in a safe and responsible way by following the rules laid out in a Responsible Use Agreement like this one.

If someone cannot agree to act responsibly, or the things that they do mean that other people are being harmed, then we might stop them from using the internet or other technology at school.


The above specifications have been provided to all major IT retailers in Nelson and Richmond and we suggest that parents shop around to find the best deal.

For support in obtaining WINZ quotes, please contact the school via email ³æ³Ù±ð²Ô»å°ª²Ô²¹²â±ô²¹²Ô»å.²õ³¦³ó´Ç´Ç±ô.²Ô³úÌý

The following table may assist you in making a choice regarding the most suitable device for your child:

Touch/pen enabled Windows Device These offer the most functionality for learning as students can handwrite and draw on them. They are compatable with a large range of software and can install the full Microsoft Office suite. These devices tend to more expensive than an ordinary laptop, however prices are steadily declining.
Windows Laptop These currently offer best value for money and alongside a touchscreen device are the best option for students. The best models have an I5 processor and at least 4Gb of RAM. These devices can install the full Microsoft suite of products. Ensure that your device is light-weight with excellent battery life.
Macbook Pro/Air These devices offer great functionality and are a good option, however we believe that Windows devices offer better value for money. These devices are expensive and may not run Microsoft products in the same way as a Windows device.
Chromebook The cheapest laptop available. Generally you need to be online to use the device. Most specialist software will not run on these devices and Microsoft products are 'lite' versions that do not offer full functionality.
Tablet (Andriod or iPad) Small size and a long battery life. Small size, limited offline functionality and you cannot use full versions of Microsoft products.
Mobile Phone Mobile phones must be away during the entire school day, unless a teacher has requested permission from parents for a specific learning activity e.g. taking a photo Not suitable for learning in the classroom.