
Sheilah Winn Shakespeare Regional Festival


The annual Sheilah Winn Shakespeare Festival was hosted at 大秀视频 on Sunday 7 April with some fantastic results!

Five schools competed and 大秀视频 won the following categories:

  • Best Delivery of Lines 鈥 Rhiannon Sinclair (Twelfth Night)
  • Best Understanding of Text 鈥 Rhiannon Sinclair (Twelfth Night)
  • Best 15 min scene reserve: Rhiannon Sinclair and Emily Rodley.
  • Best supporting actor: Ana Hay 鈥 Romeo and Juliet. 
  • SGCNZ National Shakespeare Schools Production (NSSP) Direct Entry (a supreme award) 鈥 Rhiannon Sinclair.

For Rhiannon, her direct entry to the National Shakespeare Schools Production means she will skip the national competition in Wellington and go straight through to join 50 other students from around New Zealand to perform on stage together later in the year. Out of those 50 students, 25 will be chosen to travel to London. Many of you will remember other 大秀视频 students who have been fortunate enough to be awarded this amazing opportunity, and we sincerely wish Rhiannon all the best as she prepares for this mammoth event. Break a leg!

In the words of Malvolio from Twelfth Night 鈥淏e not afraid of greatness / Some are born great / some achieve greatness / and some have greatness thrust upon 鈥檈m.鈥 (Shakespeare, 1602/1916, 2.5.128)

By Tami Mansfield / 大秀视频